Do you like to read books based on recommendations? Do you search for inspiration? Know the topic but aren’t sure which book to start with?

Sometimes it is so much easier to hear someone say “I’m reading this book and it’s brilliant because…” and you instantly know that you’re going to read it. Perhaps you ask a few more questions or jump to Amazon and read a few reviews.

As a Wellbeing specialist, and in my Stress Management workshops, I often get asked for book recommendations, and lately people have been looking on my website for recommended reading…so…through the power of this blog, I am going to start offering Recommended Resources. I only share resources that I truly recommend. For some there will be an affiliate link, which means that I may get paid if you buy by clicking on the link I provide. Please know that I only agree to be an affiliate or ambassador for books, products and services that I honestly believe in.

Over time, if you really enjoy hearing my recommendations (through comments, likes and emails which all help me know your feelings) then at some point a “Recommended Resources” section will be created, but for now, let’s start off within these posts.

Here goes!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you knew of one book that would improve your life just by reading it? The very first book that I read about Wellbeing did just that. I had no idea that it was about wellbeing, it was suggested in a brief conversation and without thinking about it, something clicked and I took a copy on honeymoon with me. And read it.

My personal life at that time was good. As you might have realised, I was about to get married when this book was recommended to me. My husband and I have celebrated 16 years of a deeply fulfilling marriage this year and I am sure that the journey started by that book recommendation in the year 2000 has contributed to the positive strength of our relationship.

My career, however, was struggling. I was working for a Telecomms firm where I stood out like a sore thumb for all the wrong reasons. I was so unfulfilled that I wasn’t even aware you could find fulfillment at work. I was overweight and down. In hindsight, I was depressed, but I didn’t know I was back then. My confidence had leached out of me, and although my immediate boss appreciated the job I was doing, the people around me didn’t get it, and the department culture had been very disrupted in the time I worked for the firm and had degenerated into talking behind people’s backs to take them down if you could – really not my kind of place at all.

“Try reading this.” A book was thrust into my hands. “It’s making me see life with a whole different perspective.”

As my colleague hurried off to a meeting I walked back to my desk holding the volume and slipped it into my bag to take home.

I was so busy that it was only when I was packing for my honeymoon a few weeks later that I remembered the book. I pulled it out and flicked through it. It looked perfect to take with me.

It was an easy read; as anything is when it lands in your lap at exactly the right time, the time that you need it. Although I didn’t know what to do with the insights I’d glimpsed through the adventure story (James Redfield, the author, has since published a companion Experiential Guide so you can take the knowledge and put it into practice) but it shifted my mindset, opened my awareness to new possibilities and at the same time reminded me of a knowing that was already deep inside me.

With that alone, simply the reading of this book about experiencing life more fully changed the course of my own. I returned to work and was offered a fabulous opportunity working on a project in Holland which turned out to be one of the highlights of my corporate career. In turn this led onto working in Zurich and there followed a series of events which brought me to the present day of supporting other people to find different ways of looking at things, different ways of being, and more fulfilling ways of living.

If you want to read the self-same book that set me of initially on my journey of wellbeing, you can find it here:

Naomi Martell-Bundock
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Heightened awareness is the cornerstone of communication … of personal, professional and leadership development. Naomi is a finely tuned human being - a first class teacher and highly focused coach. I hired Naomi’s services with the express purpose of building a heightened sense of awareness. This has empowered me to be far more present in the stillness of the moment and to really hear in depth what is being said, with significant benefits to clients as well as in my personal life. I would strongly recommend that you work with Naomi to discover these benefits for yourself.

Denis Roberts


Naomi is an excellent coach; she is an expert at identifying deep rooted emotional issues and enabling the remedying of them. I really enjoyed working with her and would happily recommend her to anyone who's in need of some emotional spring cleaning.

Emma O'Brien

Award-winning Photographer

Naomi is a wonderful, caring, compassionate and creative coach who has helped me see a clearer way ahead on many occasions! She asks insightful questions and allows me to come to answers with encouragement and support along the way.
She is a great family coach and works brilliantly with addressing parenting issues that can make any parent question their ability to manage family life! I highly recommend her.

Lindsay de Swart

Parenting Coach

Heightened awareness is the cornerstone of communication … of personal, professional and leadership development. Naomi is a finely tuned human being - a first class teacher and highly focused coach. I hired Naomi’s services with the express purpose of building a heightened sense of awareness. This has empowered me to be far more present in the stillness of the moment and to really hear in depth what is being said, with significant benefits to clients as well as in my personal life. I would strongly recommend that you work with Naomi to discover these benefits for yourself.

Denis Roberts


Naomi is an excellent coach; she is an expert at identifying deep rooted emotional issues and enabling the remedying of them. I really enjoyed working with her and would happily recommend her to anyone who's in need of some emotional spring cleaning.

Emma O'Brien

Award-winning Photographer

Naomi is a wonderful, caring, compassionate and creative coach who has helped me see a clearer way ahead on many occasions! She asks insightful questions and allows me to come to answers with encouragement and support along the way.
She is a great family coach and works brilliantly with addressing parenting issues that can make any parent question their ability to manage family life! I highly recommend her.

Lindsay de Swart

Parenting Coach