I is for Inspiration

Inspiration is great for wellbeing – when you take action on your inspiration.

When you don’t act on your inspiration, it can have negative repercussions. You might feel stuck, sluggish or emotionally down. When you’re inspired, it’s like a burst of adrenaline, but if all you’re doing is having ideas, being inspired but never making anything out of them, you’re constantly receiving bursts of adrenaline and not using it. This is a stress – you’re creating an energy that’s never put to good use, and that is draining.

So, let’s take 10 minutes to go from Inspiration to Action.

1) Take 2 minutes to reflect and see one inspired awareness that you had in the past week. It might be to do with your work, your relationship or how you parent. It might be about your next car, or project or birthday. It might be about how you want to redecorate, a new book to read or a podcast to listen to. Get the idea? Inspiration can be about ANYTHING!  

2) On a fresh, clean piece of paper (new page in your notebook if you have one) write down your inspiration. 

3) Look at what you’ve written. Imagine it in your minds’ eye; what would it feel like for that inspiration to become reality? Are there any sounds, smells, tastes associated with it? Is it something you can hold? 

4) Write down as much as you can so you would be able to know when you have turned that inspiration into reality. 

5) What is the first action you will do, right now, that moves you from simply being inspired to realising your inspiration. 

Time by www.cathyreadart.com

by Cathy Read

If you’re interested in deeper wellbeing and self-development work, please get in touch by emailing change@coresense.co.uk or calling 0845 643 9668.

Naomi Martell-Bundock
Latest posts by Naomi Martell-Bundock (see all)

Heightened awareness is the cornerstone of communication … of personal, professional and leadership development. Naomi is a finely tuned human being - a first class teacher and highly focused coach. I hired Naomi’s services with the express purpose of building a heightened sense of awareness. This has empowered me to be far more present in the stillness of the moment and to really hear in depth what is being said, with significant benefits to clients as well as in my personal life. I would strongly recommend that you work with Naomi to discover these benefits for yourself.

Denis Roberts


Naomi is an excellent coach; she is an expert at identifying deep rooted emotional issues and enabling the remedying of them. I really enjoyed working with her and would happily recommend her to anyone who's in need of some emotional spring cleaning.

Emma O'Brien

Award-winning Photographer

Naomi is a wonderful, caring, compassionate and creative coach who has helped me see a clearer way ahead on many occasions! She asks insightful questions and allows me to come to answers with encouragement and support along the way.
She is a great family coach and works brilliantly with addressing parenting issues that can make any parent question their ability to manage family life! I highly recommend her.

Lindsay de Swart

Parenting Coach

Heightened awareness is the cornerstone of communication … of personal, professional and leadership development. Naomi is a finely tuned human being - a first class teacher and highly focused coach. I hired Naomi’s services with the express purpose of building a heightened sense of awareness. This has empowered me to be far more present in the stillness of the moment and to really hear in depth what is being said, with significant benefits to clients as well as in my personal life. I would strongly recommend that you work with Naomi to discover these benefits for yourself.

Denis Roberts


Naomi is an excellent coach; she is an expert at identifying deep rooted emotional issues and enabling the remedying of them. I really enjoyed working with her and would happily recommend her to anyone who's in need of some emotional spring cleaning.

Emma O'Brien

Award-winning Photographer

Naomi is a wonderful, caring, compassionate and creative coach who has helped me see a clearer way ahead on many occasions! She asks insightful questions and allows me to come to answers with encouragement and support along the way.
She is a great family coach and works brilliantly with addressing parenting issues that can make any parent question their ability to manage family life! I highly recommend her.

Lindsay de Swart

Parenting Coach